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Individuals: +39 010 6591013
Schools and groups: +39 010 6598718
Monday to Thursday 9:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 16:00, Friday 9:00 - 13:00
Daily ticket (valid until midnight on the day of emission)
Full price 9.00 euros
Reduced price: 7.00 euros
Reduced: schools, children from 6 up to 18
years old, students with a University ID card,
people over 65 years old, the disabled.
For groups one full ticket free every 20 people
Festival pass
Full price: 17.00 euros
Reduced price: 14.00 euros
schools: 10.00 euros
Reduced: groups made up of more than 10 people, children from 6 to 18 years old,
students with a University ID card, people over 65 years old, the disabled
Entry is free for children under 5 years old and for teachers accompanying classes.
The ticket allows access to all of the Festival’s events (apart from those marked on the
programme as “fuori abbonamento”) for the entire period of its validity. Entry subject to seat availability. Parents that accompany classes have the right to a reduced ticket just
like the students
Ticket offices and infopoints
In all of the ticket offices and infopoints of the Festival it is possible to acquire
the tickets and to organise your visit with the help of our explainers
Infopoint - Piazza De Ferrari
Palazzo della Regione Liguria
ground floorPiazza De Ferrari 2r
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 - 21:00
Saturdays and public holidays 9:00 - 21:00
Credit and debit cards may be used
Infopoint - Loggia della Mercanzia
Loggia della Mercanzia, Piazza Banchi 1
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-18:00
Saturdays and Public holidays 9:00-19:00
Credit and debit cards may be used
Ticket office- Commenda di Prè
Piazza della Commenda 1
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-18:00
Saturdays and public holidays 10:00-19:00
Ticket office - Magazzini dell’Abbondanza
Via del Molo 2
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-18:00
Saturdays and public holidays 10:00-19:00
Ticket office - Marina Genova Airport
via Pionieri ed Aviatori d’Italia
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-18:00
Saturdays and public holidays 10:00-19:00
Ticket office - Museo di Storia Naturale
“G. Doria” Via Brigata Liguria 9
No booking service
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-18:00
Saturdays and public holidays 10:00-19:00
Festival tickets can be bought on the website www.vivaticket.it and booking can be done
on the website
Schools and groups
Telephone booking at the phone
number +39 (0)10 2345690,
Monday to Sunday and Public holidays
9:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 18:00
Booking is required and free (up to a maximum of 3 a day)
Booking is required where expressly stated, but is also advised as access to events is subject to seat availability Booking each event costs 1 euro in the days preceding the event and can be done on the website www.festivalscienza.it or directly at the Festival’s Infopoints; it is free if it is done at the Infopoints on the day of the event
Important notes
Validity of booking lasts until 10 minutes before the beginning of the booked event.
Entry for visitors that present themselves after this time is not guaranteed. For conferences, access is subject to seat availability. There are two entries: one for visitors with reservations, which is closed 10 minutes before the conference begins, which is to say until the reservation is valid
Discounts and special offers
Visitors with a full ticket of the Genoa Musei Civici have the right to a reduced price Festival ticket (7 euros instead of 9)
Visitors with a 24h and 48h Museum card have the right to a reduced price Festival pass (14,00 euro invece di 17,00)
Visitors with a ticket or a Festival pass have the right to a reduced price entry to the Genoa Musei Civici
Formula Festival + Aquarium
Combined ticket, with entry valid for the Science Festival events on the day of emission of the ticket while for the Aquarium it is valid until 31/12/2008. Full price: 20 euro, reduced price: 14 euro
Formula Festival + Galata, or Citta dei Bambini, or Bigo+Biosfera
Combined ticket for the Festival and one of the Costa Edutainment structures. Entry to the Science Festival is only valid on the day of emission of the ticket, while for the structures of Costa Edutainemt it is valid until 31/12/2008. Full price: 12 euro, reduced price: 10 euro