newsletter friends of the Festival
>useful information

The Festival has from its very first edition given a lot of space to exhibitions and didactic workshops dedicated to safeguarding the environment and biodiversity, to evolution and to the most fascinating natural phenomena, all of which are particularly recommended for schools. But we do not only pay attention to the contents. The Festival also offers a series of operative and economic breaks, thought up exclusively for organized visits by institutions:

  • the icon “recommended for schools” shows the most suitable courses for didactic programs
  • the planner, a tool which is available to all, allows the creation of personalized paths in the event program;
  • scientific explainers to accompany classes in their visits to exhibitions and workshops;
  • special fees and discounted refreshment points

Infoline schools and groups
Telephone number: 0039 (0) 10 6598718 from 17th September
Monday to Thursday 0900-1300, 1400 – 1600
Fridays 0900-1300

Schools and groups
Phone booking: 0039 (0) 10 2345690 from the 17th September to the 4th November,
Monday to Saturday - 0900 to 1300, 1400 to 1800
Sundays and holidays (25/10, 26/10, 1/11, 2/11) at the same times. Booking is required and free. Max. 3 booking per day.

Integrated tourist package for schools
Would you like to bring your class to Genoa for the Festival and to visit the Acquarium? This year the Science Festival invites schools from all of Italy to participate in its events and, in the meantime, to discover the secrets and mysteries of life at the bottom of the sea.
Students: starting from 57.50 euros
Tariff valid for a minimum of 25 paying customers
Free ticket for teachers: 1 every 25 paying customers
The fee includes: Festival pass, 1 night in a 3 star Hotel in Genoa with half board, one entry ticket to the Genoa Acquarium.
For information and booking:
Telephone number: 0039 (0) 10 23455666,


Day ticket
(valid until midnight on the day of emission)
Full price: 9 euros
Reduced: 7 euros

Reduced: schools, children from the age of 6 up to 18 years old, students with a university I.D. card, people over 65 years old, the disabled.
For groups: one ticket free every 20 people

Festival Pass

Full price: 17 euros

Reduced: 14 euros

Schools: 10 euros

Reduced: groups with more than 10 people, children from the age of 6 up to 18 years old, students with a university I.D. card, people over 65 years old, the disabled.

Entry is free for children up to 5 years old and for teachers accompanying classes.
The ticket includes access to all the events of the Science Festival (excluding those marked on the programme as “fuori abbonamento”). Entrance subject to seat availability.

General information and booking

It will be possible to plan and book your visit to the Festival on our site from the 17th September onwards

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