>The diversity of ideas
>The diversity of language
>The diversity of matter
>The diversity of mind
>The diversity of life
Technology is in our midst: it permeates our lives, often invisibly, yet at other times it forces us to abruptly change our habits. Technological innovations have evolved and diversified through various forms of expressions and use and have even gone beyond our capacity to imagine. There are now robots that walk, talk, interact with each other and with humans and even explore other planets. The line that divides scientific research from daily use is thinner than we would suspect. Today nanotechnology plays a fundamental role for humankind. This area is a journey through the progress of technology and its applications, which presents the constant, yet often unapparent, presence of scientific innovations in our lives.
The world of waves – S – Special event
Spazio Telecom Italia
Target: 0 – 99
Sometimes they can be seen, but not always, sometimes you can hear them, but often they are not really known. They are nevertheless fundamental movements of nature, fluctuations at the root of many modern technological innovations and this year the Spazio Telecom Italia at the Porto Antico will give you the chance to travel inside them and understand them better than ever before: they are waves.
Man has learned to know them and use them in a wide variety of fields: from medicine to geology, from the automotive sector to telecommunications.
The public will follow a path of knowledge and experiments to study the natural, scientific and technological aspects of a natural phenomenon that is an integral part of our daily environment through interactions and practical demonstrations which have also been provided by the Telecom Italia Lab in Turin. It will also be possible to interact with the developments in the exploitation of waves that will change our lives in the next few years: new generation networks, a new frontier in communications.
Soyuz! The Great History of Space – S – Exhibition
A space ship in Genoa to celebrate ASI’s twentieth birthday
Target: 0 – 99
Offered by: Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
The 60s and the race to the moon; the race against time between the Soviet Union and the United States, still today these memories are alive and filled with emotion in the minds of those who lived them. The glorious spacecraft Soyuz, still in service between the Earth and the International Space Station, is on display at the Festival in celebration of the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana’s twentieth year of activity. The courtyard of the Palazzo Ducale will host Soyuz TM–34, used in 2002 by the cosmonaut Roberto Vittori. Visitors can put themselves in the shoes of an astronaut and take a look at it up close through the open hatch and snoop around the cockpit, which still has the original instruments and an official flight suit.
Accidentally… – S – Conferences and Laboratories – Cycle
The street accident: methodologies for intervention
Target: +11
Offered by: Polizia Municipale in collaboration with 118, ACI, Esercito Italiano, Vigili del Fuoco, the ANIA foundation, Kolimat, Snoline and Good Year.
The street is a hostile environment both for pedestrians and for those behind the wheel. The municipal police have organized street events with the simulation of a collision, thematic conferences and a workshop that will explain the dynamics of accidents and the successive intervention of emergency units and vehicles that restore traffic flow. This study can help motorists overcome hazardous conditions to prevent an accident or to react quickly to alert emergency units. In addition, the Street Accident Unit of the municipal police will show you the main operations on the field such as technical assessments, photographic surveys on the site of the accident and the subsequent processing of acquired information to determine the dynamics of the accident.
Magisterial Lesson and international dialogues
Technology now offers mankind answers to ever-changing needs, unexpected possibilities in the management of our lives and solutions to old and new problems. Among the many appointments which will analyse the role technology plays today and the prospects for the future, Catia Bastioli’s Magisterial Lesson will focus on one of the greatest gambles for the future: research into valid and lasting technological solutions to the fundamental problems raised by global development. Technology is however already part of our everyday lives in very different fields. The conversation between Valentino Braitenberg and Giuseppe Tratteur on the 60 years that have passed since the birth of cybernetics will retrace how this discipline is at the origin of the very concept of the Web. On this theme, Maurizio Ferraris and Gianluca Nicoletti’s conference-show will show how the information technology of Second Life has taken the place of art in creating new forms of life.