>The diversity of technology
>The diversity of ideas
>The diversity of language
>The diversity of matter
>The diversity of mind
>The diversity of life
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The Science Festival looks beyond the borders of our country with great interest and exchanges initiatives with events in the field of scientific dissemination and partnerships in an ever-growing network of research centres and institutions all over the world. This year in particular offers a wide variety ranging from China to Europe then on to Israel, Estonia and Ukraine, all of which bears witness to the will of the international scientific community to confront each other without borders.
Chinese pavilion
A journey through China, from traditional medicine to Chinese cuisine
The Chinese pavilion was set up as part of the partnership between the Science Festival Association and SAST (Shanghai Association for Science and Technology)
The Chinese pavilion offers a mix between knowledge and folklore, a melting pot of flavours, typical dishes and therapeutic formulas for visitors who want to discover traditions of the most populated country in the world. An exceptional amount of space is given to traditions and cuisine. With the assistance of experts in traditional medicine from Shanghai, it is possible to experiment some of the oldest methods of treatment such as acupuncture. In addition to treatments for general health and the body there is room for pleasures of the palate with recipes that are extremely rich and well-balanced and come from an ancient cuisine that is six thousand years old. Among the proposals are many new versions of basic ingredients in Chinese cooking such as rice and soy, which, after being transformed and processed, become noodles, then cheese, and then even paper. The Festival thus inaugurates a tradition that will repeat every year with a new guest country.
W\E\S\08 Wonders EUSCEA Science Festival 2008
A journey through European science events (and not only)
Offered by: EUSCEA (European Science Events Association) and the Science Festival Association
Take part in experiments and debates, be a judge and choose your favourite science stand: the public award is at stake. Cisterne di Palazzo Ducale, seat of the doge of the old republic of Genoa, plays host to the stands of the first Wonders EUSCEA Science Festival, presenting some of the most innovative and original experiences in the field of scientific dissemination, European and non. The “Festival in the Festival” combines important international projects developed by institutes from Belgium, Jerusalem, Luxembourg, Estonia, France, Malta, Norway, Switzerland, Ukraine and researchers from all over Europe and in particular from Greece, Ireland, Slovenia, Hungary, Ukraine and Italy. The W\E\S\08 event is the natural continuation of Wonders 2006 and 2007, organized by EUSCEA (European Science Events Association).
Marseille Provence 2013
International dialog between capitals of culture
Offered by: Marseille Provence 2013 Association
Marseille and Genoa: both maritime cities on the Mediterranean coast; both cities of culture. This year’s international partnerships include the agreement with the Marseille Provence 2013 Association, which is promoting the French city’s bid to become European Capital of Culture for 2013. Among the initiatives aimed at consolidating the partnership the Festival will, already in 2008, welcome experts and researchers working in research centres based in Marseille Provence by proposing a series of conferences and meetings on the challenges facing research to the benefit of technological innovation in sports and on the science of human movement and exploration of the universe and its frontiers. In this context is also the laboratory “The Cosmic Wheel”, which shows phenomena related to astral-physics, particle physics, statistics and relativity. |